Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gladdich the great

Gladdich is doing great with the pups. But he is a show-off, so when other people are watching he tends to be a bit more rough with the pups, so he is not allowed to play with the pups when we have visitors. But otherwise he is doing really great.

Here a video of Gladdich playing with Demi (Xin-Feng's Draupadi:

Meanwhile four pups have left, two rough girls still here. That is a lot less work as six, both for Chimay and us ;-)
Frank worked his first night and it went well. I survived the night alone very well too.

Gladdich does well with the pups and he does well working for me too. In the past weeks I had two panick attacks, while walking Chimay and Gladdich. Both times Gladdich calmed me down fairly quickly and Chimay did her job: she led me home.

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