Friday, October 15, 2010

Ari at the dogshow in Zwolle

It has been a while since I wrote here.
The past weeks I have been busy redoing the website, new lay-out... patience, it is nearly finished...

And Ari keeps me on my toes, the Chow Chows are stubborn, but Ari... is even more stubborn AND he is smart!
Keeping up with his coat takes some time too, but our cooperation gets better each time I brush him.

Last Saturday, October 9th, Ari went with Marijke and Valentina to the dogshow in Zwolle. Marijke handled Ari too at the FlevoDogMatch. Because Frank and I can't do it, a day at the show is too tiring for Frank and too stressing for me, it is nice someone else wants to take Ari to the show. So Ari was put in his bench and on his way to Zwolle he went!
Leaving behind a flabbergasted Eoos, what was going to happen with Ari? She just recently started to play with him and now he was leaving??

The other people with Pekingese dogs at the show were very nice and attentive, here one of them is brushing Ari, so he will look his best when entering the ring.

Valentina and Marijke with Ari on her lap, at the ring side.

Ari at the table in the ring, it was a pity that the German judge Jungblut was very short about Ari: 4,5 MON. ALTE BABY ANSPRECHENDE KORPER GUTER KOPF, qualification Very Promising

Ari with is bowl for Best Baby of the Breed!

Ari en Marijke in the spotlight for Best Baby in Show

Early in the evening Ari returned with his first bowl :-)
Eoos was VERY happy her friend came back! Ari was happy to be home and exhausted after a day from home.

Thanks to Marco & Jolanda Draijer, owners of Ari's sister Sacha (photo left), for taking and sharing their photos.

Many thanks to Marijke and Valentina for taking Ari to the show and Valentina for the spotlight photo.

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