Tuesday, March 1, 2011

farewell Eoos

Yesterday afternoon we went to the vet with Eoos, to be spayed. Late in the afternoon we called, she was waking up from anesthesia and we would pick her up around half past six.

Then we took Chimay and Ari for a walk and drove to the vet. When we arrived Eoos was not doing well, bloody diarhea, then only blood came out and she vomited blood.
She fought like a lioness and stayed with us until this morning, but it was a lost battle, she died this morning at the vets in Franks arms, 11:11 local time...

Our vet had contacted the University Clinic in Utrecht for advice. There the bloody diarhea was recognised, called it "shock shit"... nothing could be done, a servere allergic reaction, probably caused by the anesthesia.
At the necropsy was found that Eoos colon was serverely infected and got porous all over. It was a miracle she kept going for so long...

Rest in peace dear Nurse Eoos...

1 comment:

Gourmet by Association said...

I am very sorry for your loss.